This Legal Tracker Q&A database has been moved to the FAQ section of the Learning Center.
INVOICE APPROVAL: Can I deactivate a user who is on an inactive invoice approval route? View answer
Invoice Approval
BUDGETS: How do I enable firm budgets? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor: INVOICING: How can a firm determine if client requires activity codes? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor, Invoicing
Law Firm/Vendor: BUDGETS: Who at the firm receives notice that a budget is due? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor, Budgets
Law Firm/Vendor: TRAINING: What does a new law firm user do if they want additional training on Tracker? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor, Training
Law Firm/Vendor: ACCRUALS: Can a firm edit their accruals information? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor, Accruals
Law Firm/Vendor: INVOICING: How does a firm reconcile a payment they received against the invoices they have posted? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor: BUDGETS: When entering a budget, can a firm user save their work and come back to it? View answer
OFFICE VENDOR NUMBER: What are Office Vendor Numbers? View answer
Office Vendor Number
Law Firm/Vendor: TIMEKEEPERS: Can a firm see a list of approved rates? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor, Timekeeper
Law Firm/Vendor: TIMEKEEPERS: How does a firm change a Timekeepers name? View answer
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Why is the "Billed To" information on my invoice different from that of the matter profile? View answer
Accounts Payable
Law Firm/Vendor: INVOICING: Why does it say incomplete instead of "post invoice"? View answer
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: How do I manually run an AP batch for just one AP route? View answer
MATTER CREATION: How do I create a new matter? View answer
Matter Creation
SETUP: What is a matter group? View answer
BUDGETS: Are emails sent when a company budget is changed? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor: INVOICING: How can a firm determine if client requires task codes? View answer
PRACTICE GROUPS: Is there a limit on the number of Practice Groups I can create? View answer
Practice Groups
Law Firm/Vendor: TIMEKEEPERS: Can a firm merge timekeepers that appear as duplicates? View answer
ACCRUALS: How do I determine what happens if a firm does not submit their required unbilled amounts? View answer
ACCOUNTING CODES: What are accounting codes? View answer
Accounting Codes
Law Firm/Vendor: INVOICING: Where can firms see payment information in Tracker? View answer
DASHBOARDS: Why do I have different results when I click on the details link from the Dashboard? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor: INVOICING: How can a firm change currency when reposting an invoice? View answer
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: How do I change an AP route on an invoice? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor: USERS: What information is needed to create a new firm user? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor, Users
Law Firm/Vendor: ACCRUALS: How can a firm check to see if their accruals saved? View answer
CONTRACTS: How do I create a new contract type? View answer
INVOICE APPROVAL: How do I see a list of all pending invoices? View answer
ACCRUALS: How can I turn off accrual notifications after a matter is closed? View answer
TIMEKEEPERS: Will a matter specific rate override a default rate? View answer
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Can I have multiple AP routes? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor: ACCRUALS: Will invoices be posted during the accruals window? View answer
ACCOUNTING CODES: What are "Pre-Configured Accounting Code Allocations"? View answer
DATE-EVENT TYPES: How do I create a new date or event type? View answer
Date-Event Types
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Why was a reversed invoice not included in the spreadsheet? View answer
REPORTS: How can I see a list of matters without recent activity? View answer
REPORTS: How would someone with reports only access be able to see matter information? View answer
REPORTS: How do I report on dates and events in Tracker? View answer
BUDGETS: How do I bulk update a law firm matter budget requirement at the firm level? View answer
FIRMS: How can I deactivate an office I created an error? View answer
ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Why would an approved invoice not be batched? View answer
INVOICE APPROVAL: Why is my name at the bottom of a reduced invoice notification? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor: EMAILS: What should the firm do if they did not receive their new user email? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor, Emails
Law Firm/Vendor: DASHBOARD: What does JOBS mean? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor, Dashboards
BUDGETS: What does it mean to lock a budget? View answer
INVOICE APPROVAL: Who can reverse an invoice? View answer
Law Firm/Vendor: INVOICING: Where can a firm see our rejection comments? View answer
USERS: How do I change a user's system role? View answer
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